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We reduce the steps to find high quality Psychotherapy. We make it easier for you.

Are you ready to start talking to a Professional?



A Universal Health Coverage System, Network of Services and Governing Council

The most innovative and sensible long-term proposal that seeks to bring us closer to a regenerative and distributed economy, which recognizes the individuality and complexity of the human being within the ecosystem that surrounds him. We offer to decentralize and democratize a new universal health system, which helps to change the paradigm to adopt a new system called the Economic Donut that leads us to make good use of money and natural resources, while also helping us to reconsider our way of consuming, discarding, adopting new practices towards innovative and circular economic models. We seek a (r)evolution of collective consciousness, which is based on collaborative foundations for a shared good, finding and co-creating middle points of mass participation to generate equitable opportunities for humans and the planet.

An Interconnected System

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We propose to gradually generate, over the long term, an infrastructure of public goods service networks that will follow a simple fractal branching process to organize themselves based on the two interconnected states of the human being: Mind and Body. We are creating a network of impactful DAOs that help cover different planetary and human needs, working towards shared objectives. Our vision is to improve access and custody of data, information, education, medicines and disease prevention, thanks to our next-generation protocols (Web 3.0, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence) which allow for global, national and regional collaborations. Our professional community structure is designed to generate collaborative and interdisciplinary networks, in order to strengthen the distributed healthcare infrastructure in the world. To begin developing such an ambitious platform, we have divided the Essential Health Services into two categories: Mind and Body , in such a way, we began by generating decentralized psychotherapy services, introducing the study of the mind in formal matters, addressing substantial topics, while creating a solid conceptual framework that interconnects with a simplified Theory of Everything , generating a new understanding of how different scales of reality influence our lives.

We are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We seek to create new decentralized networks that serve as nodes and help distribute public goods for humanity, without depending on any instance.


Explore the potential we have to contribute


Using new technologies and decentralized finance, we promote a different approach to Mental Health care, seeking to create a global community and then ensure comprehensive health coverage with inclusive, interconnected and interoperable networks.

The DAO architecture includes a research and development sub-branch to innovate and deliver high-quality products for professionals who join the organization and provide them with ongoing education. The platform also allows professionals to organize educational interventions for any group (students or professionals) when necessary, based on a diagnosis, intervention, support and measurement of results.


MotusDAO's values are based on inclusion, meaning we also seek to achieve gender equality and empower all humans with the use of a decentralized platform and financial inclusion mechanisms.

With an advanced set of economic governance tools, we can create a new kind of “tokenomics,” a new kind of stablecoins that ensure healthy, regenerative, and distributed economic growth. Moreover, universal health coverage requires a lot of work, so there will be many job opportunities in the future.


It is planned to build a strong and resilient blockchain-based community. This allows for an easier way to promote inclusive and self-sustaining industrialization processes, providing a solid infrastructure for mass social cooperation while reducing financial difficulties.

Buscamos converger sistemas de apoyo nuevos con antiguos dentro de la industria de la Salud, mientras creamos nuevas formas de capturar valor económico, brindando más oportunidades a los países en desarrollo.


We are changing the way we approach mental health, by democratising these services we aim to make communities more resilient, inclusive and safe.

We recognize the urgent need to combat climate change and its impacts by acquiring a new system of thinking, therefore, we build a system that allows us to adapt as a globally interconnected and interdependent society and use the economic doughnut as a model to save the planet.


We seek to create peaceful and inclusive digital communities to promote sustainable development, while providing access to a universal health system to build fair and effective services without the need for centralized institutions.

With the creation of the E8 system, we will be able to ensure metadata and interoperability following web 3.0 standards enabling large-scale cooperation in a multi-chain network for sustainable development.


With all these contributions, we also think that we can contribute in the long term to the first SDG.

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